Kids Need Acupuncture Too!

I’m an acupuncture aficionado. I’ve had sessions once a week for over two years now and swear by its effects on my mind, body and soul. I’m also slightly obsessed with keeping my two sons healthy (did I just say that out loud?!), and recently started to wonder why I wasn’t treating them to the benefits of acupuncture. Then I remembered. Needles. Now I’ll be the first to tell you that acupuncture needles DO NOT HURT, but try telling that to a nine and 10 year old who won’t even let me use tweezers on a finger splinter.

So acupuncture fell to the back of my consciousness until I heard that Indigo Dragon Center had a new pediatric acupuncturist starting up. I was all ears. Would an acupuncturist specializing in children have a unique way of presenting the needles? Would he or she distract the kids with candy so they wouldn’t know what was happening? Actually, none of the above. Because in David Allen’s pediatric acupuncture they have ways to stimulate the acupuncture points without needles! A micro current modality — or “tickle machine” —  takes the place of the needles, while David let’s the child move around freely, totally putting them at ease. My son smiled and chatted away for 20 minutes and actually enjoyed the sensation of the micro-current machine. David asked some leading questions to understand my son’s constitution and any issues he may be suffering from and targeted his treatment accordingly.

Not only was it a walk in the park, but I saw a rapid improvement in some symptoms my son was suffering from shortly afterwards. Needless to say, we will be heading back in for more sessions.


The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine answer this question so perfectly, I’m just going to go right ahead and copy and paste it here: “A child’s bio-energetic systems are in the “yang” phase and not fully developed, which means their energy (qi) moves very quickly. Due to their rapidly growing bodies, infants consume large amounts of qi. This often depletes the organs most responsible for producing qi, which can result in hyper-stimulation and offers a fertile ground for health problems.”


Let’s face it — none of them can! The good news is, because they don’t have needles poking out of them, pediatric patients can move freely. David usually has a box of toys to keep them entertained, or, as in the case of my son, will just chat with them throughout the treatment. Also, with shorter treatment times, the session is over before they’ve had a chance to get bored.


A better question would be, “What doesn’t it treat?” Just like within the adult population, acupuncture can help with anything from the common cold, to asthma, to food allergies to autism.


Since the nervous system runs on electricity to conduct it’s signals, and acupuncture needles works because metal needles interact with this electricity, we can use mild topical electrical stimulation to do the job. All they feel is a mild “tapping” sensation on the skin. Kids love the “tickle machine”!

Massage is More Than Touch

Massage is More Than Touch

Bodywork feels great!  Some days, that’s enough. Yet if you’re in pain and under stress, you may want more from your massage than the simple luxury of touch. Here at Indigo Dragon our master therapists can address the many facets of stress we carry through our lives-mental, emotional, and physical. Our bodies do us a great service by storing our stresses.  This survival mode allows us to continue to function and maneuver in our jobs, families, and relationships. But when pain occurs, our bodies are sending strong messages.  HELP!!!  Pain is the first sign the body gives us when it’s no longer able to release the tension of stress it’s been carrying. Pain is our body’s way of asking for help, we can help interpret that message and get you back in the game.


Massage to the rescue! It really can be that dramatic. By massaging the body our therapists will help muscles, tissues, and organs do what they’ve been unable to do for themselves. The results are often remarkable and here’s why.

During a therapeutic massage:

-AHH the nervous system surrenders and begins to re-pattern spastic muscles responses, which create kinks, knots, and numbness.

-Lymph fluid is pumped, assisting the immune system in the elimination of toxins. These toxins can irritate nerve fibers, or cause headaches, joint pain and inflammation.

-Connective tissue is stretched and stimulated to unravel and realign, allowing great flexibility and range of motion.

-Blood vessels dilate, improving circulation. This in turn brings more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, stimulates blood, and helps remove toxic congestion. This is especially helpful in removing fatigue from overexertion or injury.

-Internal organs are stimulated improving digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of waste.

-Releasing tension in the muscle fibers allow the entire body to adjust and in turn relieve chronic pain.

Your body is reminded to relax, reset, and encouraged to realign. With skilled touch and manual manipulation of the tissue, muscles, and joints the body is encouraged to internally heal. Releasing the muscles, relaxing the nervous system, reorganizing the fascia, and opening up to our body’s innate intelligence for healing is the magic of massage.

Happy Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster​!​

In order to make the most of this year simply be the Rooster! The rooster is the ” Dawn Awakener”. This is your year to be loud – let your voice be heard, be proud, be bright and be bold. Wake up early, dress in your brightest clothes, fun hair, fun jewelry, and start your day with a “Cockadoodledooooooooo”! Overall 2017 is going to be colorful and action oriented…A year to insight creativity, humor, honesty, and punctuality. But beware the complementary extremes of disorder, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, turbulence, and dominance.

As Chinese medicine practitioners who practice acupuncture, we are always looking for complementary ways for our clients to bring peace, calm and happiness to their lives, so we reached out to our favorite Feng Shui Master, Lisa Mckay ( to discover some actions we can do immediately to allow the wind and water in our lives to flow most easily as we bring in the New Year.

  • Remove clutter from your spaces! The stagnant & heavy energy of clutter will interfere with the successful energies of 2017 impacting your opportunities including financial wealth.
  • Remove or repair everything that is not working in your home, office, business & car as these broken items are symbolic of how life is working (or not working).
  • Clean your home’s front entrance including landscaping, doors, windows, lights & welcome mat. A poorly kept or sterile entrance doesn’t attract the vibrant chi & provides the message we are indifferent to or struggling with life.
  • Complete all 2016 actions you identified as important. Having unfinished actions from 2016 that are still applicable to your life will influence what does or does not unfold for you in 2017.

To me the Fire Rooster inspires some real action!! We are going to be active in business this year but only truly successful if we can stay clear and bright!! I interpret this to mean going to bed with the sun and rising with the sun so that our energy will be stable, our minds sharp, and our bodies healthy. Also allowing time for organization and structure throughout every aspect. However don’t forget to let your hair down, hold your head high and wear your favorite brightest clothes and bling 😉 Cockadoodledoooooooo!!!


What do healthy breasts feel like?

Online Dating: Australia’s Growing Trend

With the advent of the internet, our lives have become increasingly connected and accessible. One area that has experienced significant growth in recent years is online dating. In Australia, this trend has gained immense popularity, with more and more people turning to the internet to find love and companionship. According to a recent survey, approximately 30% of Australians have tried online dating at some point in their lives. This growing trend has transformed the way people meet and interact, providing a convenient and efficient platform for individuals to connect with potential partners.

One of the key reasons behind the rise of online dating in Australia is the busy and fast-paced lifestyle that many people lead. With work commitments, social engagements, and other daily responsibilities, finding the time to meet new people can be challenging. Online dating platforms such as Australian Lovezoid provide a solution to this problem by offering a convenient way to meet like-minded individuals from the comfort of your own home. These platforms allow users to browse through profiles, chat with potential matches, and even arrange dates, all at their own pace and convenience.

Another factor contributing to the popularity of online dating is the wide range of options available. Traditional dating methods often limit individuals to meeting people within their immediate social circle or geographic location. However, online dating breaks down these barriers, allowing individuals to connect with people from different cities, states, or even countries. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities, increasing the chances of finding a compatible partner.

Furthermore, online dating offers a level of anonymity and privacy that traditional dating may lack. Many people feel more comfortable expressing themselves and sharing personal information online, which can lead to more open and honest conversations. This increased transparency can help individuals form deeper connections and make more informed decisions when it comes to choosing a potential partner.

Additionally, online dating platforms often utilize advanced algorithms and matching systems to help users find compatible matches. These systems take into account various factors, such as interests, values, and compatibility, to suggest potential matches. By leveraging these technologies, online dating platforms can enhance the chances of finding a meaningful connection, reducing the time and effort spent on incompatible matches.

It is important to note that while online dating offers numerous benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges. One common concern is the authenticity of profiles and the risk of encountering fake accounts or individuals with malicious intentions. However, reputable online dating platforms employ strict verification processes and safety measures to ensure the security of their users. It is crucial for individuals to exercise caution, be mindful of their personal information, and report any suspicious activity to the platform.

In conclusion, online dating has become a growing trend in Australia, providing a convenient and efficient way for individuals to meet potential partners. With the hectic nature of modern life, online dating offers a solution to the time constraints faced by many people. The wide range of options, increased privacy, and advanced matching systems further contribute to the appeal of online dating. However, it is important to approach online dating with caution and prioritize personal safety. By doing so, individuals can embrace the opportunities offered by online dating and increase their chances of finding love and companionship.

What other part of our bodies do we strap into a tight garment? One that constricts movement, breathing, blood and lymph flow for hours a day? Imagine if you did that to your arm! What would happen to it? Boobs (yep, we’re going clinical here) need movement; they need to feel soft and supple. Heck, they even tingle when they are really happy! How are your breasts feeling? Do you get breast pain and swelling each month? Do you have fibrocystic breasts? Do you worry about breast cancer? Well…Your breasts are telling you something. They’re telling you you need Breast Health Boot Camp!


The Do’s and Don’ts

DO let your buddies breath, bounce and giggle everyday.

DO restrict coffee, alcohol and chocolate (except for an occasional bit of dark chocolate with very low sugar.)

DO Pack you buddies in bras with no underwire. There are several studies that have linkED breast cancer to underwire use.

DON’T ever sleep with a bra.

DON’T ever store your cell phone anywhere near your breasts. (Or any other part of your body for that matter)

DO breast massage: Here’s a video to show you how.

DO Castor Oil Breast Packs once a month. Here’s how: (What you need: 30 min, Castor Wool Flannel, Organic Castor Oil, Ace bandage wrap, heating pad, old t-shirt, zip lock bag.) Apply a liberal amount of castor oil to breast. Do breast massage. Apply wool flannel to breast. You can add more castor oil to the flannel as well. Cover breast completely. Apply heating pad. Take the Ace bandage and create a “bikini” figure 8 wrap to secure the flannel in place. Throw on the old t-shirt. Grab a book, meditate, breath deep into your breast and relax…Give yourself at least 20 minutes but you can do more. When you’re ready, unwrap breast, do breast massage again and then wipe off castor oil. Throw on a tank top, or shirt for the rest of the day. Let the breasts giggle and feel free!

DO take supplements for breast health: Iodine, Selenium, and Chinese Herb Formulas.

DO get a thermogram and ultrasound every year. Thermograms can detect breast cancer long before an actual tumor is in formation. A mammogram detects breast cancer once the cells have multiplied to over 10,000! They also expose you to a ton of radiation. They do have their place in diagnostic breast cancer but there is mounting evidence that they don’t really help prevent breast cancer. And what happens when something suspicious is found on a mammogram? You are sent for a diagnostic ultrasound. Painless and completely safe. Why not start with a thermogram and a diagnostic ultrasound? Don’t let health insurance dictate what’s best for you. Then, if needed get the mammogram.

DO a cleanse. It’s better to do a 3 week cleanse but if you only can manage a few days, we’ll take it! Give your body time to rid itself of the toxins it accumulates. Breasts have lots of fat tissue that like to hold onto toxins. Indigo Dragon has several cleanse options and we help you pick the one that is right for you.

DO examine the ingredients in your household items. The skin is our largest organ and picks up chemicals from the environment. Get rid of any toxic products and find new healthy products to use on your body, in your house, on your pets and in your yard.

If you do this you”ll find…….

Your breasts will start to tingle, feel soft and supple, they will be perky and happy. They won’t hurt with your menstrual cycle. Breast feeling will be easier. Chinese medicine considers the breasts an extension of the heart. Our breasts are the first to feel what our hearts send out and bring in. Clearing emotional patterns and painful memories will help breast health. Go for it ladies! And, as always, if you have any questions, we’re always here to help.

Here’s Why Your Mid-Life Crisis is Linked to the Planets (and what you can do about it)

Najzanimivejše Spletne Casino Igre

Spletne casino igre so postale izjemno priljubljene v zadnjih letih. Številni igralci se obrnejo na spletne igralnice, da bi izkusili vznemirjenje in zabavo, ki jih ponujajo. Razlog za to je preprost – spletne casino igre so enostavno dostopne, omogočajo visoke dobitke in nudijo široko paleto različnih iger. V tem članku bomo raziskali najzanimivejše spletne casino igre, ki jih lahko igrate na spletnih igralnicah.

Ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih vrst iger v spletnih igralnicah so igralni avtomati. Ti barviti in zanimivi avtomati so privlačni za številne igralce. Obstaja veliko različnih vrst igralnih avtomatov, od klasičnih do naprednih video igralnih avtomatov. Klasični igralni avtomati so navdihnjeni z zgodovino in imajo pogosto simbole, kot so sadje, zvonci in sedmice. Napredni video igralni avtomati pa vključujejo napredne funkcije, kot so bonus igre, brezplačni vrtljaji in progresivni jackpoti. Igralni avtomati so enostavni za igranje, saj zahtevajo le pritisk na gumb za zavrtitev valjev. Če želite preizkusiti svojo srečo na igralnih avtomatih, vam priporočamo, da obiščete spletno igralnico, kot je rekel, kjer boste našli široko izbiro igralnih avtomatov.

Poleg igralnih avtomatov so tudi mize za igre na srečo priljubljen izbor med igralci. Med najbolj znanimi miznimi igrami so ruleta, blackjack in poker. Ruleta je igra, ki temelji na sreči, kjer igralci stavijo na številke ali kombinacije številk. Blackjack je kartična igra, kjer igralci tekmujejo proti delivcu in poskušajo doseči skupno vrednost kart, ki je čim bližje 21. Poker pa je igra, ki zahteva spretnost in strategijo. Obstaja veliko različnih vrst pokra, vključno s Texas Hold’em, Omaha in Seven-Card Stud. Igranje miznih iger v spletnem casinu je odličen način za preizkus vaših veščin in strategij.

Druga priljubljena vrsta iger v spletnih igralnicah so igre v živo. Te igre omogočajo igralcem, da igrajo proti pravim krupjejem v realnem času prek video prenosa. Igralci lahko komunicirajo s krupjejem in drugimi igralci ter doživijo pristno igralniško vzdušje kar iz udobja svojega doma. Med najbolj priljubljenimi igrami v živo so blackjack, ruleta, bakarat in poker. Igranje iger v živo je odlična izbira za tiste, ki si želijo izkusiti pravo igralniško vzdušje.

Nekatere spletne igralnice ponujajo tudi druge vrste iger, kot so bingo, keno, srečke in športne stave. Bingo je igra, kjer igralci označujejo številke na svojih karticah, ki se izžrebajo. Keno je podobna igra, kjer igralci izbirajo številke in čakajo na izžrebanje. Srečke pa so igre na srečo, kjer igralci drgnejo virtualne srečke, da bi odkrili dobitke. Športne stave pa omogočajo igralcem, da stavijo na rezultate športnih dogodkov, kot so nogometne tekme, teniški turnirji in košarkarske tekme.

Pri izbiri spletnega casina in iger je pomembno, da izberete licencirano in varno igralnico. Preverite tudi razpoložljive bonuse in promocije ter se prepričajte, da so igre pošteno in nepristransko izvedene. Spletne casino igre so namenjene zabavi, zato igrajte odgovorno in postavite svoje meje.

V zaključku, spletne casino igre ponujajo igralcem veliko raznolikost in zabavo. Igralni avtomati, mizne igre, igre v živo in druge vrste iger so na voljo v spletnih igralnicah. Ne glede na to, ali ste ljubitelj srečnih valjev ali strategijski igralec, boste našli nekaj zase. Obiščite spletno igralnico, kot je rekel, in preizkusite svojo srečo že danes!

Are you having a Mid-Life Crisis or a Mid-Life Change? 
Discover the Mid-Life Planets that visit us between the ages of 38 and 42: Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn, and find out how to deal with the challenges they present with our very own astrologer, Jannine Oberg, M.S.

Nine phases of the full growth cycle of the moon isolated in the night sky with clouds

When I was in college in San Luis Obispo, I studied Child Development among other subjects. At that time not much was said about Adult Development. Somehow, we reached 18 or 21 and seemingly stopped developing. Gail Sheehy had broached the topic with her breakthrough book Passages.  But there were no Adult Developmental courses that I could sign up for.

Luckily, between age 28 ½ and 29 when Saturn Returned, four astrologers showed up in my life to welcome me into Adulthood and provide me with the story of future planets that would be part of my unfolding Adult Developmental journey.

In astrology, we are not considered an adult until Saturn – the planet of maturity, mastery and responsibility, literally returns to the position it was in when we were born. Thus the name ‘Saturn Return’. Later in life, Saturn appears again with two more planets to help us along in our life evolution.

imaginary space journey to the blue gas giant Neptune

NEPTUNE – Planet of Spirit, Inspiration, Creativity and Dreams
. Neptune Square @ approximately 40 – 42 years of age. 
Neptune will have journeyed one quarter of the way around the zodiac at this age (90 degrees) to create a square to the position Neptune was in at the time and day of your birth. Neptune is the planet of dreams, the muse, the visionary and the mystic.

When you were young, Neptune sent you dreams of your future and inspired you to pursue those dreams. Notice I said dreams (plural). The little girl or boy in you is still holding for you the energy of all those dreams. However, as an adult you have taken various forks in the road that now make it impossible for you to manifest some of those dreams. This is a time when you must, and I mean must, grieve for the loss of the dreams that you will not be able to achieve.

(We strongly advise consulting with an astrologer to help guide you through this stage.)

The energy that is being held by the younger you is not available to your present self until you honor the dream, grieve the loss, comfort your inner child and retrieve the energy from the little girl or boy within.  Then you can empower the dreams that your mid-life self has chosen for the second half of your life with all of Neptune’s energy!

planet Uranus with sunrise on the space background

URANUS – Planet of Lightning and Breakthroughs
. Uranus Opposition @ approximately 38 – 42 years of age. 
Uranus will have journeyed half way around the zodiac (180 degrees) by this age and will be opposing the position Uranus was in at the time and day of your birth.

I like to call Uranus the Lightning Bolt planet as it sends electrically powered light to us here on earth. We suddenly, and I mean suddenly, see things differently with this rare form of light. Notice that lightning is depicted with a jagged line; clearly this is not a linear progression down to earth. Both men and women complain of hot flashes and/or delight in the sexy and spiritual surges of Kundalini energy with this electrical charge. This opposition is usually in effect for about 1 year and will demand a ‘breakthrough’ or a ‘breakout’ of any pattern in which you have become stuck.

(Consulting an astrologer at this point in your life can help you avoid impulsive “break-apart” decisions, whether in relation to your family, job, or other commitments. )

Remember what happened to Thelma and Louise at the end of the movie? No, they did not end up with Brad Pitt! This energy of change will pass and you don’t want to look back and say ‘OMG what have I done, I no longer feel like I want to crawl out of my skin and leave all of this behind – I just wanted to change some of it!’

Saturn isolated on black.

SATURN – Planet of Responsibility. 
Saturn Opposition @ approximately 42 – 45 years of age. 
Saturn travels in patterns of 7 years, but at times goes retrograde so this age is harder to predict (come visit and I’ll give you your date). By mid-life, Saturn will already have paid you several visits 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35.

I call Saturn The Homework Planet. Each time Saturn showed up in your life it gave you a homework assignment. It was important to do the work, because Saturn knew you would be given a challenge soon and you would actually need to use the skills required by the homework assignment (contrary to many school assignments).  As adults we can continue to tell Saturn “my dog ate my homework” and skip the assignment, just like we did when we were kids. However, at mid-life this really counts.

Saturn’s job has been to deliver you to this moment! The level of personal authority, expertise, and personal mastery that we exhibit in our lives peaks at this time. Please embrace your personal authority; tell everyone what you know and how well you do what you do.

Why not swing by and schedule a visit with our astrologer Jannine? After all, you deserve recognition for your talents and accomplishments as much as anyone!

How To Make Golden Milk

Kasino s Vkladem přes SMS 2023

V dnešní digitální éře je online hazardní průmysl stále populárnější. Čím dál více hráčů se obrací k online kasinům, která nabízejí širokou škálu her a možností výher. Jedním z nejvíce poptávaných způsobů vkladu peněz do online kasina je vklad přes SMS. Tento jednoduchý a rychlý způsob platby se stává stále oblíbenějším mezi hráči.

Vklad přes SMS je velmi snadný a přístupný pro každého hráče. Stačí mít mobilní telefon a dostatek kreditu na účtu. Proces je jednoduchý – hráč zadá částku, kterou chce vložit do svého herního účtu, a poté odešle SMS zprávu na speciální číslo uvedené na webové stránce kasina. Po odeslání SMS zprávy hráč obdrží potvrzení o provedení platby a peníze jsou okamžitě zaslány na herní účet. Tento rychlý a pohodlný způsob platby je ideální pro hráče, kteří chtějí okamžitě začít hrát a nemít starosti s dlouhým procesem bankovního převodu.

Existuje mnoho online kasin, která přijímají vklady přes SMS. Jedním z nejlepších a nejvíce doporučovaných kasin je klikněte zde. Toto kasino nabízí širokou škálu her a bonusových nabídek pro nové i stávající hráče. Vklad přes SMS je zde snadný a rychlý, a to bez nutnosti poskytovat citlivé bankovní údaje. Hráči si mohou být jisti, že jejich platby jsou zabezpečeny a jejich osobní údaje jsou chráněny.

Vklad přes SMS má mnoho výhod. Jednou z nich je rychlost a pohodlí. Hráči nemusí čekat na připsání peněz na herní účet, platba je okamžitá. Hráči tak mohou okamžitě začít hrát své oblíbené kasinové hry a nemusí se zdržovat čekáním na bankovní převod. Další výhodou je anonymita. Hráči nemusí poskytovat žádné osobní údaje ani bankovní informace, což zvyšuje bezpečnost a ochranu jejich soukromí. Vklad přes SMS je také velmi jednoduchý a intuitivní. Stačí několik kliknutí a hráč je připraven hrát.

Vklad přes SMS je oblíbený zejména mezi hráči, kteří preferují mobilní hraní. Díky této možnosti mohou hráči vložit peníze na svůj herní účet přímo z jejich mobilního telefonu. Nemusí se přepínat mezi zařízeními nebo hledat počítač, aby provedli vklad. Stačí jim pouze mobilní telefon a dostatek kreditu na účtu. Tento způsob platby je také ideální pro hráče, kteří cestují nebo jsou často na cestách. Mnoho hráčů využívá vklad přes SMS jako rychlý a snadný způsob, jak vložit peníze na svůj herní účet, kdykoliv a kdekoli.

Vklad přes SMS je trendem, který se bude pravděpodobně rozvíjet i v roce 2023. Hráči stále více oceňují rychlost, pohodlí a bezpečnost tohoto způsobu platby. Online kasina se snaží přizpůsobit tomuto trendu a nabízet hráčům co nejvíce možností pro vklad přes SMS. Pokud jste hráčem, který preferuje rychlé a snadné platby, vklad přes SMS je pro vás ideální volba.

Využijte výhod vkladu přes SMS a začněte hrát své oblíbené kasinové hry ještě dnes. Navštivte klikněte zde a získejte přístup k širokému výběru her a bonusových nabídek. S vkladem přes SMS budete mít peníze na svém herním účtu okamžitě a budete moci okamžitě začít hrát. Nečekejte a využijte jednoduchosti a rychlosti tohoto moderního způsobu platby.

Turmeric: The Golden Child of Herbal Medicine
It’s the latest healthy drink (even if it has been around for a long time.) We’re sure it’s even on Starbucks radar! We’ve tried it and noticed how much better we feel after 3 days of drinking this golden wonder.  Turmeric is known to reduce inflammation and a myriad of diseases (for more information on its many wonderful properties, check out the list here:  Most disease processes in the body have an element of inflammation and turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory that you can actually feel working! Golden milk is a delightfully tasty way to include turmeric and other wonderful ingredients into your diet.
Here are 2 great ways to prepare it. (Note:Turmeric stains)
Golden Milk Ingredients
2 cups of milk of your choice (almond, coconut, goats)
1 teaspoon dried turmeric (or one-half inch fresh turmeric thinly sliced or diced)-Not all tumeric tastes the same.  Some are more bitter.  It may take a few tries to find one that’s right for you.
1 teaspoon dried or fresh ginger
1 dash of black pepper
Sweetener to taste. (Stevia, honey, coconut sugar)
Place milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Add turmeric, ginger, and pepper. Stir well if you are using the dried spices. Let the milk begin to simmer for 5 minutes and stir with a wooden spoon.  Be aware that turmeric stains.  Strain if you have used fresh ingredients.  Serve warm and enjoy.  Can be made in bulk for 3 days.
Shot of Golden Wonder
-Fresh Tumeric-Approx a piece the size of your pinky.
-3-4oz. filtered water
-Squeeze of Lime or Lemon
-Dash of Black Pepper.
-For added collagen and ligament support you can add 1T. Collagen Hydrosalate such as this one here: Great Lakes Gelatin | Collagen Joint Care for Consumers)
-Toss all ingredients into the blender.  Pour into glass and drink it down. Yum!
Let us know how this works for you!

Staying Healthy during Seasonal Transitions

Eventos de póker más grandes de España

El póker es uno de los juegos de cartas más populares y emocionantes del mundo. En España, este juego ha adquirido una gran relevancia en los últimos años, atrayendo a jugadores tanto nacionales como internacionales. Los eventos de póker más grandes de España son verdaderos espectáculos que reúnen a jugadores de alto nivel y entusiastas del juego.

Uno de los eventos más destacados es el Campeonato Español de Póker (CEP), que se celebra anualmente en diferentes ciudades de España. Este torneo reúne a los mejores jugadores del país, que compiten por el título de campeón y por premios en metálico. El CEP es conocido por su alto nivel de competencia y por su ambiente lleno de emoción y tensión.

Otro evento importante es el European Poker Tour (EPT) Barcelona, que forma parte del circuito internacional de póker más prestigioso de Europa. Barcelona se convierte en la sede de este torneo que atrae a jugadores de todo el mundo. El EPT Barcelona ofrece una experiencia única, con mesas llenas de acción y la oportunidad de competir contra algunos de los mejores jugadores del mundo.

Además de estos torneos, España también alberga otros eventos de póker de gran relevancia. El World Series of Poker (WSOP) Circuit ha realizado paradas en ciudades como Valencia y Madrid, brindando a los jugadores españoles la oportunidad de participar en uno de los eventos más prestigiosos del mundo del póker. Estos torneos son conocidos por sus premios millonarios y por atraer a jugadores de renombre internacional.

Es importante destacar que los eventos de póker en España no solo son para jugadores profesionales, sino que también ofrecen opciones para jugadores aficionados. Muchos de estos torneos cuentan con eventos paralelos y satélites, que brindan la oportunidad de competir por un lugar en los torneos principales a un precio más asequible.

Si estás interesado en participar en alguno de estos eventos de póker en España, es recomendable informarte sobre las fechas, ubicaciones y requisitos de inscripción. También puedes obtener información adicional sobre los mejores casinos online en España reportando. Estos casinos ofrecen la posibilidad de jugar al póker de forma virtual, permitiéndote practicar y mejorar tus habilidades antes de participar en un evento en vivo.

En resumen, los eventos de póker más grandes de España son una excelente oportunidad para disfrutar de la emoción de este juego y competir contra jugadores de alto nivel. Ya sea que seas un jugador experimentado o un aficionado entusiasta, estos torneos ofrecen una experiencia única y emocionante. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de participar en alguno de ellos y demostrar tus habilidades en la mesa de póker!


AYURVEDIC SEASONAL CLEANSE: September 9th – 29th, 2016

Ayurveda calls the period between the seasons Ritu Sandhi “Sandhi means “junction,” and Ritu means “season,” so Ritu Sandhi is the period that joins two seasons.” It begins approximately 8 days before the end of the previous season and ending 7 days after the beginning of the following season, it typically lasts for approximately 15 days. During this period of time there’s confusion in the environment as the energy of Summer (Pitta) transitions to the energy of Fall (Vata). This confusion in the environment is reflected in our bodies and can cause weakness in our immunity,  making us susceptible to illness and toxins.

The Pitta dosha (heat) accumulates in the body at the end of Summer which can cause heat-related illnesses e.g. inflammation, outbreaks on the skin, excess acid in the body, etc. If this excess heat is not eliminated, it can cause toxin build-up which can lead to illness in the Fall (Vata) season e.g. dry skin, constipation, arthritic pain, colds, worried state of mind and lack of focus.

A seasonal cleanse is recommended during this transition to ease the body and mind into the next season, without aggravating the doshas. Seasonal cleansing is an integral part of the Ayurvedic and Yogic lifestyle.

During this holistic cleanse, Colette, our Ayurvedic wellness counselor will guide, support and educate you on how to bring your body, mind and soul into balance. You will slowly add the Vata-pacifying foods and lifestyle guidelines, so that by the end of the two weeks you are following the classic ayurvedic routine and lifestyle for Vata season. There is a no fasting in this cleanse. It will consist of three stages:

Stage 1: Preparation – reducing your intake of caffeine, processed foods and refined sugars 

Stage 2: Main cleansing phase – Oiling and softening the body to help in the release of the

toxins. Eating easy digestible meals balancing for your constitution 

Stage 3: Post-cleanse rejuvenation – cleansing can be depleting on the body and so

rejuvenation is extremely important 

Total Cost: $250. As part of your package you will also receive the following;

  • Private consultation with Colette in person or via skype to help you tailor the cleanse for your unique physical and mental constitution
  • Weekly coaching webinar
  • Yoga video for your dosha
  • Meditation tutorial
  • Pranayama tutorial
  •  10% off Ayurvedic and other supportive treatments during your cleanse
  • Worksheets
  •  Recipes
  • Ongoing online support from Colette throughout the cleanse
  • A supportive community to help each other through the process

Are you ready to feel light, vibrant and clear? This is an online guided cleanse, so you can join from anywhere! Register today by booking a private consultation before the cleanse starts on Sept 9th!

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